
The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of yeastMalassezia pachydermatisin dogs from Slovakia in relation to different predisposition factors (sex, age, body localisation, hair type, and season). Samples of ear swabs (58) and dermal swabs (131) from 147 dogs with clinical symptoms of suspected yeast dermatitis and/or otitis, were examined between June 2005 to June 2007. Relatively higher prevalence ofM. pachydermatiswas found in samples taken from males (45.2%) than in females (35.2%), and in geriatric dogs (63.6%) than in young (42.5%) or adult (38.5%) dogs.Malassezia pachydermatiswas isolated more often from ear swabs (44.8%) than from skin swabs (38.9%). Prevalence ofM. pachydermatiswas significantly higher (p< 0.05) in samples from the trunk area (60.3%) than in samples from other skin areas. Significantly higher prevalence was found in samples from long-haired (51.5%) and short-haired (45.9%) dogs compared to smooth-haired (21.4%) dogs. The prevalence was relatively higher in the samples taken in autumn (52.6%), than the other seasons: spring (36.1%), summer (27.3%), winter (45.7%); those differences were not significant.Malassezia pachydermatisis one of the most frequent yeasts isolated in dogs. Knowledge of factors predisposing to development of infection is valuable attribute of the correct diagnostic approach and case management.

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