
Background: Sedentary lifestyle is dened as performing less than 25-30 minutes of physical activity per day. Sedentary lifestyle may cause Lower-crossed syndrome (LCS) as, in sitting posture the hip and back muscles do zero work and the entire work is done by the chair sitting upon. Objective: To check the tightness and weakness of the lower body muscles and there by determine the cause for alteration in low back posture. Method: 100 Subjects with sedentary lifestyle were selected. Weakness of abdominals, gluteus maximum, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus was checked by manual muscle testing method. Tightness of iliopoas, hamstrings, and erector spinae muscles was checked using Thomas test, 90- 90 straight leg test & muscle length respectively. Erector spinae &TFL tightness was seen more in age group of 31-35 yrs which wasResults: (57.38% & 14.28 %) respectively. All the gluteal muscles (minimus, medius, maximus) showed grade 4 weakness in all the age groups. Conclusion: Tightness & weakness was found in some of the muscle groups followed LCS pattern in all the age groups.

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