
Knee pain, also known as patellofemoral pain, (PFP), is a condition characterized by knee pain ranging from severe to mild discomfort seemingly originating from the contact of the posterior surface of the patella (back of the kneecap) with the femur (thigh bone). Knee pain or Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is one of the most common disorders of the lower extremity, accounting for 25% of all knee injuries treated in orthopedic clinics Objective: To find Prevalence of knee pain among females using high heels. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in University of Lahore. Sample size of 147 was calculated by Epi-tool formula. Data were collected by using questionnaire. Knee pain in females using high heels was measured by using a questionnaire which was consisted on Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Results: Results showed that the prevalence knee pain was to be found 21.1%% in females using high heels. 8 out of 31 respondents said that they faced mild knee pain. The other 19 females said that they faced moderate knee pain and only 4 out of 31 females said that they faced high knee pain Conclusions: Knee pain was frequent among female with lowheight and female who wore high heels

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