
Pregnancy is a critical stage in the development of a woman’s personality. Chronic stress can affect the course of pregnancy, leading to an increase in the number of complications. In the antenatal period, the propensity to psycho-emotional disorders is increased, about 54 % of women during pregnancy experience anxiety. According to recent studies, the prevalence of hyperventilation syndrome (HVS) in population is 6—9.5 %. Objective — to determine prevalence of hyper­ventilation syndrome and to establish its relationship with anxiety disorders in women with threatened interruption of pregnancy and progesterone deficien­­cy in early pregnancy, living in the Luhansk region, to improve treatment and preventive measures and prevent obstetric and perinatal complications in such women. Materials and methods. The study included 54 pregnant women who were hospitalized for threatened interruption of pregnancy to the hospitals located in the Luhansk region (group I). The control group consisted of 30 pregnant women with non-complicated obstetric anamnesis and physiological course of pregnancy with similar gestational period of pregnancy.Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used to assess the level of anxiety, the Nijmegen questionnaire was used to identify the manifestations of HVS. Results and discussion. Manifestations of HVS were observed in 7.41 % of patients of group I and none in group II. The prevalence of anxietyof moderate and high level among pregnant women of group I was 68.52 %, in group II — 10.00 %. Patients of group I had significantly higher levels of state and trait anxiety, HVS. A positive correlation between the HVS and indicators of state and trait anxiety in group I was found. Conclusions. Antenatal study of levels of anxiety, manifestations of HVSin pregnant women with threa­tened interruption of pregnancywill allow to indi­vidualize the approach to the management of pre­gnancy and if needed to timely develop rehabilitating measures, that will contribute to a successful outcome of the pregnancy and affect the health of the mother and her offspring.


  • Objective — to determine prevalence of hyperventilation syndrome and to establish its relationship with anxiety disorders in women with threatened interruption of pregnancy and progesterone deficiency in early pregnancy, living in the Luhansk region, to improve treatment and preventive measures and prevent obstetric and perinatal complications in such women

  • 54 pregnant women who were hospitalized for threatened interruption of pregnancy

  • to the hospitals located in the Luhansk region

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Мета роботи — вивчити поширеність ГВС у жінок, мешканок Луганської області, в яких наявні ЗПВ та прогестеронова недостатність в I триместрі вагітності, і встановити його зв’язок із тривожними розладами для удосконалення лікувально-профілактичних заходів і профілактики у них акушерських і перинатальних ускладнень. Першовагітними були 36 (66,70 %) жінок І групи і 18 (60,00%) — II, штучні аборти зареєстровано у 17 (31,48 %) і у 8 (26,67 %), мимовільні аборти — у 14 (25,93 %) і у 3 (10,00 %) пацієнток відповідно. Низький рівень ОТ був у 14 (25,93 %) і у 28 (93,33%), помірний — у 30 (55,55 %) і у 2 (6,67 %) пацієнток відповідно, високий — у 10 (18,52 %) вагітних І групи, у ІІ групі — не зафіксовано

Таблиця Психометричний профіль обстежених
Materials and methods
Results and discussion
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