
Aim: To assess prevalence of dry eye disease (DED) and its severity in patients of Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and Primary Sjogren’s syndrome in a tertiary care hospital in Gujarat.
 Methods: It is a Prospective cross-sectional study of 94 patients diagnosed with SLE and Sjogren’s syndrome. All patients underwent: 1. History taking 1. Visual acuity assessment using standard illuminated Snellen chart 2. Slit lamp examination with dry eye tests 3. Fundus examination The findings were recorded in the proforma and subsequent analysis was done using SSPS software.
 Results: DED prevalence was 51.1% overall, 42% among SLE and 66.66%in Primary Sjogren’s syndrome. Severity of DED was noted to be more in Primary sjogren’swith 33.33% having severe DED.
 Conclusion: DED overall prevalence in connective tissue disorders is significant, highest being in Sjogren’s. The findings highlight the severity of DED in rheumatoid arthritisgreater to when compared with other connective tissue disorders. Awareness and earlydetection of dry eye disease is of paramount to initiate appropriate treatment and reducevisual morbidity.

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