
Introduction: The prevalence of colonic adenoma has been previously reported to be more than 50%. Over the past 3.5 years, our group has recorded over 6,000 colonoscopies to calculate adenoma detection rate (ADR) for each physician. Withdraw time, adenoma pathology, polyp size, indication, age, and gender were documented systematically. The overall ADR was 57%. For the indication of screening, the ADR was 58%. For those patients that previously had adenoma, the ADR was even higher at 71%. Therefore, we conclude that the prevalence of colonic adenoma is nearly 60% in our region. Methods: Between July 2010 and December 2013, our group has systematically recorded the colonoscopy withdraw time, insertion time, adenoma pathology, polyp size, number of adenomas, age, gender for every colonoscopy performed. The data were entered manually in a Microsoft Excel file. The pathology report was matched to each colonoscopy report. The data were exported into SAS version 8.2 for analysis and computation. Results: A total of 6,179 colonoscopies were recorded during the 3.5-year study period. Overall ADR during this period was 57.1%. For purely screening indication, the ADR was 57.8%. The ADR was very high at 71.2% for individuals with previous polyp or colon cancer. Conclusion: Prevalence of colonic adenoma is nearly 60% in our region of South Central Minnesota. For individuals with previous colon polyp or colon cancer, the ADR is even higher at 71%. The average scope withdraw time is about 23 minutes in our group.Table 1Table 2: Breakdown ADR Per Each Indication

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