
Introduction: Charaka has described Chittodvega (anxious state of mind) as Manas Dosha Vicar (mental disorders). The signs and symptoms described by charaka are very much similar to an anxious state of mind. Still, the studies done in Ayurveda to assess the prevalence of Chittodvega have used modern definitions of Chittodvega. Hence it is suggested that assessing the prevalence of Chittodvega based on Acharya Charaka symptomatology and assigning a numerical rating scale (NRS) to it. Materials and Methods: This is a community-based cross-sectional study done in the Nagnur Village in Karimnagar District in Telangana. The symptoms described by Charka were tested on a 10-point Likert NRS. The NRS less than 4 is considered mild Chittodvega, 4–7 is considered moderate Chittodvega, and more than 7 is considered severe Chittodvega. The data thus obtained were analyzed. Results: Chittodvega was equally distributed among various age groups and different sociodemographic status among 100 study participants. The prevalence of Chittodvega assessed by different symptomatology varied between 16% and 55%. Nidra Nasha (lack of sleep) and Krodha (anger) were the most common symptoms, whereas Udvega (distress) was the least common symptom. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of Chittodvega symptoms in the rural population. There is an urgent need to tackle this hidden problem in the population, as it can burden normal living beings. Our study gives an insight into making decisions regarding the need for agencies to make targeted efforts to tackle this rarely explored but very common mental health issue.

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