
The aim of the present study was to investigate a broad spectrum of autoantibodies in patients with endemic pemphigus foliaceus (EPF)-fogo selvagem-and to determine the possible association between EPF and other autoimmune diseases. Indirect immunofluorescence was used to test 120 patients with EPF and 200 healthy controls for the presence of the following autoantibodies: anti-desmoglein-1 (APF), anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic (ANCA), anti-smooth muscle (SMA), anti-mitochondrial (AMA), anti-nuclear (ANA), anti-liver kidney microsomal (LKM), anti-gastric parietal cells (GPCA) and anti-thyroid microsome (TMA). APF antibodies were detected in 62.5% of the patients (75/120), ANA and SMA in 0.8% (1/120), and TMA in 1.6% (2/120). None of the patients was positive for ANCA, AMA, LKM or GPCA. In the control group, a positivity of 2% was observed for SMA (4/200), 1.5% for TMA (3/200), and 0.5% (1/200) for ANA and GPCA. None of the controls was positive for APF, LKM, AMA or ANCA. The prevalence of the autoantibodies ANA, SMA, AMA, GPCA, LKM and ANCA in patients with EPF was similar to that observed in the control group. No association with clinical or laboratory manifestations of other concomitant autoimmune diseases was observed in EPF patients. These results confirm the concept that EPF is an organ-specific autoimmune disease.

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