
Background: India is the third-largest salt-producing country in the world and Tamil Nadu is the second largest salt-producing state in India. Salt production is one of the most hazardous occupations, which affects the eye and skin primarily. This study was done for assessing the common ocular surface changes among salt workers in Marakkanam, which is a block of Villupuram district in Tamil Nadu. Methodology: It is a cross-sectional study for 2 months among 253 salt workers with minimum exposure of 6 months after taking informed consent. Those with systemic diseases and other ocular surface disorders were excluded from this study. After performing Schirmer's test, an ophthalmic evaluation was done for ocular surface disorders. Results: The prevalence of aqueous deficient dry eye (ADDE) in salt workers is 38.30%. The prevalence of pterygium is 39.50%. The prevalence of pinguecula is 29.64%. Males (46%) are affected more than females (28%) because males are held in the salt pan where sandy and outdoor environments increase the risk of the development of pterygium. Salt pan workers (47%) who work amidst salt crystals and a sandy environment have an increased risk of developing pterygium, than the dry salt workers (24%). Conclusion: ADDE and pterygium are highly prevalent among salt workers. It will also guide the salt workers to know their ocular conditions and the need for a regular ocular check-up to safeguard their eyes.

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