
Aim. Study of the prevalence of dentofacial anomalies among school children of grades 1 to 11 of one of the districts of Ryazan Oblast. 
 Methods. We conducted an examination of 663 school children aged 7 to 16 years in one of the districts of Ryazan Oblast. The obtained data were recorded in the form of the oral cavity examination of the Central scientific research institute of dental and maxillofacial surgery. 
 Results. As a result of examination it turned out that prevalence of teeth and occlusion anomalies in school children ranges from 61 to 89%, and in most age groups it is at a fairly stable level of 80%, which is very high. An alarming fact is that at the age of 7 to 10 years combined teeth and occlusion anomalies were detected in the range from 88.6±3.79% to 82.9±4.16%; it indicates that only every fifth child has a healthy dentofacial system. At the age of 11 this indicator is much lower, while among school children aged more than 16 years it is at the level of 75.6±6.7%. 
 Conclusion. High prevalence of dentofacial system anomalies was revealed among children of school age in one of the districts of Ryazan Oblast; sufficiency of qualified personnel would provide timely diagnosis of early forms of anomalies, correct disorders and ensure normal development of the child’s dentoalveolar-facial system.

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