
Background: Athletes deserve an attention because; anemia is an important disease in athletes because the haemoglobin (Hb) concentration in the peripheral blood is strongly related to physical performance. Iron deficiency anemia, in particular, causes easy fatigability and decreased performance in athletes. The objective of the present study was to explore the prevalence of anemia among athletes who are undergoing regular athletic practices. Materials and Methods: A total 52 male athletes between the ages of 15-31 years practicing in IG stadium and sports complex, Puducherry were included for the study by using purposive sampling method, A pre- test self administrable questionnaire was used to elicit information on socio-demographic profile, dietary and life style practices. Anthropometric measurement like, height, weight was taken and biochemical assessment using cynmethemoglobin to find out haemoglobin level. Results: A study covers 52 Male Athlete population aged between 15-31 years, about 50.2% were founded to be an anaemic, of which 6% were severe anemic, 29.2% moderate and 14.9% with mild anemia, To mention about BMI nearly 57.7% were within under normal limits (18.5-24.9); 25% were underweight and 17.3% overweight. However, the Pearson Correlation reveals that there no statistical association seen between age, BMI and there haemoglobin level. Conclusion: It can be concluded that one half of sample covered anemic (50.2%) out of which 35.2% were either with moderate or severe anemia which cannot be ignored, therefore there is crucial need for to conclude this situation with appropriate diet supplement and nutrition education to improve their field performance.

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