
: Urinary tract infection is one of the most common infectious disease found in all population and has become a major health problem. The urinary tract infection also affects pediatric population especially in the age group of 0-5 years. The aim of this study to find out prevalence of UTI in children, its occurrence in different gender and seasons along with identification of causative agent of UTI in children in Ujjain. The study was carried out in SRL laboratory Ujjain center and total 881 suspected patients urine sample were collected and tested by conventional methods for prevalence of significant bacteriuria. It was seen that 550 samples were positive and out of these, positive case 111 belonged to children of 0-5 years of age. Thus, 20.18% positive cases were of children. The percentage of UTI in female children was high (54.0%) while in male children it was low (45.9%) and high number of cases were recorded in rainy season (39.6%), followed by summer and winter seasons which were (34.2%) and (26.1%) respectively. The six major uropathogens present in urine sample were isolated and identified and among them four were gram negative in which . , . , . , . were gram negative while and . and . were gram positive UTI causing bacteria in children. In our study frequency of . was highest (60.3%) while . was present in very low frequency (3.6%) so the prevention of UTI in children should be done by proper care of children by mothers.

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