
Knowledge of human papillomavirus (HPV) transmission dynamics, which have important public health implications for designing HPV vaccination strategies, is scarce in undeveloped areas. From May to July 2014, 390 couples were enrolled from the general population in Liuzhou, China. Exfoliated cells from male penis shaft/glans penis/coronary sulcus (PGC) and perianal/anal canal (PA) sites and from female vaginal, vulvar, and PA sites were collected biannually for 1 year. The HPV type-specific concordance rate between couples was 15.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 8.5%-25.0%). For anogenital HPV transmission, the male-to-female transmission rate (11.5 [95% CI, 4.3-30.7] per 1000 person-months) was similar to the female-to-male transmission rate (11.3 [95% CI, 5.9-21.7] per 1000 person-months). The concordance rates between male PGC site and female vaginal, vulvar, and PA sites were 20.0%, 21.8%, and 14.9%, respectively, which were significantly higher than expected by chance. Infections transmitted from males to females seemed mainly originated from male genital sites, whereas for female-to-male transmission, the vaginal, vulvar, and PA sites might be all involved. Among the heterosexual couples with relatively conservative sexual behavior, the anogenital HPV transmission rate for females to males is similar to that of males to females. In addition to the vagina and vulva, the female PA site is also an important reservoir for HPV transmission.

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