
Physical therapists are particularly vulnerable to work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs). To evaluate the prevalence, causes and impact of WRMDs among physical therapists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). A cross-sectional study of physical therapists using a valid and reliable questionnaire. A total of 690 completed surveys were returned (response rate = 69%). The T-test and Pearson's correlation were used to identify correlations between variables and the incidence of WRMDs. Working hours/week and WRMDs were significantly correlated (p = 0.005). Lower back (46.5%) and neck (26.6%) pain were most commonly encountered. WRMDs were significantly correlated with altered work habits (p = 0.036) but not with body mass index (p = 0.297). The prevalence of WRMDs among physical therapists was 47.7% with a significant difference between full- and part-time practice (p = 0.023). Adjustable beds/plinths (20%) and splints (18%) were the most commonly used assistive devices. Physical therapists are especially vulnerable to WRMDs with a prevalence of 47.7%. WRMDs are impacted by both work status and setting. Low back pain is the most common form of WRMDs (46.5%). Avoidance of poor work habits, increased ergonomic awareness and application of safety measures are essential to prevent WRMDs.

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