
Objective: To determine the prevalence and the extent of tooth wear of Binh Tri Thien Railway Management Company in 2011. Methodology: This quantitative research, cross-sectional study based on the data from 776 staff-workers whose age range from 18 to 55 years in Binh Tri Thien Railway Management Company, 2011. The severity of tooth wear was clinically evaluated directly according to Tooth Wear Index (TWI) described previously by Smith and Knight (1984). The materials which got at least one tooth surface wear from score-2 is known as tooth wear. The extent of tooth wear is determined by the average number of pathological tooth wear (≥ score-2) on each surface of the tooth. This research examined the relationship between the extent of tooth wear with age, gender, diet, oral hygiene habits and subfunctional activity. Results: The mean age of the sample was 39.88 ± 10.16. The mean age of men was 40.33 ± 10.06. The mean age of women was 37.51 ± 10.42. Prevalence of tooth wear in this study was 77.7%. Extent of tooth wear: the average number of pathological wear buccal surface: 0.36 ± 1.5, the average number of pathological wear lingual surface: 0.76 ± 2.25, the average number of pathological wear occlusal surfaces/ incisal edges: 8.22 ± 7.99, the average number of pathological wear teeth cervical: 1.98 ± 3.61. Research shows that gender, age, geography, habit of eating sour food, drinking alcohol, drinking carbonated beverage, brushing teeth immediately after eating sour, teeth grinding disability related statistical significantly with extent of tooth wear. Conclusion: The prevalence of tooth wear in this study was 77.7%. Gender, age, eating sour food habits, drink alcohol, drink carbonated beverages, teeth grinding disability statistically significant relation with the extent of tooth wear.

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