
There are no published research reports on the prevalence of dental sealant use in children in Saudi Arabia. This study determined the prevalence and socioeconomic indicators of dental sealant use on the permanent molars of a stratified random sample of schoolchildren in Jeddah. A basic oral screening survey of students was conducted by dentists and a self-administered questionnaire was completed by parents. The prevalence of dental sealant use among 1668 3rd and 8th grade students was 9.0%. Students who attended public schools and those who had fathers with lowerthan high-school education were less likely to have sealants. A stepwise logistic regression model showed that socioeconomic status of school district, family's monthly income, family's type of home, having medical insurance and receiving government financial support were significantly associated with sealant use. Efforts to increase sealant use and to reduce socioeconomic disparities appear warranted in the light of high rates of dental disease.

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