
Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) have not only shown to impact the physical and pschycological comfort of the employee but also deteriorate the prospects of any production or service sector. The prevalence of WRMSDs, though studied extensively in various sectors, has been understudied in health sector, especially among doctors. This study which evaluated the prevalence and risk factors of these disorders among fifty cancer treating Radiation Oncologist at a Tertiary Care Cancer Centre in India had exposed out an alarming 68% prevalence of these disorders in the study population, with neck pain being the commonest site of these Muscloskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Several factors which could impact the development of MSDs were analysed. This higher incidence of MSDs is presumed to be because of extreme physical and mental stress of working in a high volume cancer care centre, persistent unhealthy postures during work, inadequate micropauses between works and uncomfortable working atmosphere. Adequate physician patient ratio, restricting the patient load, providing good physician friendly working environment and adequate mandatory breaks might significantly reduce the incidence of these disorders and can prevent the sagging of health care delivery.

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