
Objectives: To determine the frequency and the risk factors associated with respiratory tract infection (RTI) in under five year malnourished children.Materials and Methods: A total of 203 malnourished children of less than 5 years of age and resident of district Shangla were included. Malnourished children with congenital cardiac diseases, any metabolic disorders and non-cooperative attitude of the parents were excluded. Demographics and risk factors about RTI were recorded from each participant. The association of each risk factor for RTI was assessed using Chi-square test. Logistic regression was run for the significant risk factors.Results: The mean age of the participants was 18.55±13.535 months. The males were 108(53.2%). All socio-demographic factors were not statistically associated with RTI. Among the clinical factors for RTI only significant association was found with consultant clinician (P=0.002). Among the environmental factors for RTI the significant association was found for history of allergy in parents (P=0.024) and sibling aff ected by RTI (P<0.001). RTI was more in common in children whose siblings were aff ected by RTI (n=100, 87.75%).Conclusion: The prevalence of RTI is quiet higher among malnourished children. The statistically significant risk factors associated with RTI among malnourished children are non-qualified clinician, sibling affected by RTI, and history of allergy in parents.

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