
Introduction: Hypertension is the leading risk factor as well as component of cardiovascular diseases which is on rise and emerging as a major public health problem. Due to the paucity of studies among postmenopausal women on pre hypertension and hypertension this study was taken up in urban slums of Hyderabad. Aim and Objectives: 1. To determine the prevalence of pre hypertension and hypertension among post menopausal women and; 2. To assess their relationship with risk factors. Materials and Methods: A community based cross sectional study was undertaken in urban slums of Hyderabad among four hundred and thirty post menopausal women. Detailed history on dietary, lifestyle, personal habits, reproductive and socio demographic variables was taken to relate with pre hypertension and hypertension which was graded using Joint national committee (JNC 7). Results: The prevalence of pre hypertension was 29% and hypertension was 35% among post menopausal women. Significant association was found with increasing age, duration of menopause, family history of hypertension, extra salt intake and sedentary lifestyle. Conclusions: Hypertension among post menopausal women poses a major threat due to complications associated with it and these are much amenable by primordial and primary preventive strategies. Keywords: Pre hypertension, Hypertension, Modifiable risk factors, JNC7, Primordial prevention, Post menopause.

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