
To explore the prevalence of occupational low back pain (OLBP) and assess work-related risk factors in ICU nurses. Forty hundred seventy-seven ICU nurses of study group and nurses working in other wards (control group) of the same comprehensive hospital were investigated using OLBP Investigation Questionnaire for nurses. Working postures and related work activities were evaluated by using the Win OWAS software and the compressive force (Fc) of the disc between L5 and S1 was calculated by using the Bless Pro software and sampling was taken by digital camera in ICU ward of one hospital. The prevalence of OLBP (87%), frequency of OLBP (48%=1 per month) and OLBP related work-absence (7%) of the ICU nurses were significantly higher than the control group (64%, 32% and 2%, respectively). The frequency of harmful postures occurred during working tasks of observing drainage, lifting and transferring patients in bed, injection, suctioning and adjusting drip were 99%, 90%, 75%, 75% and 6%, respectively. The ratios of Fc of adjusting drip rate (taken as 100), suctioning, injection, observing drainage and lifting and transferring patients in bed were 100:155:199:301:418. Prevalence of OLBP in ICU nurses is high. High frequency of bending and twisting, transferring patients in bed are the main causes of OLBP in ICU nurses.

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