
Depression is a multifactorial disease that globally impacts all ages and sectors of the population. In this sense, it has become a public health problem, since it affects 280 million people in the world, according to information from the World Health Organization. Older adults represent 5.7% of the population that experiences this disease, with the moderate to severe stage being the one that most impacts their health, and, therefore, quality of life. For this reason, the objective of the research is to know the prevalence and psychosocial risk factors associated with depression in older people in the community of Santa Cruz, Hecelchakán, Campeche. The methodology used is with a quantitative approach because information was collected, based on the application of the Yesavage scale of geriatric depression, and the sociodemographic registry of 60 older adults of both sexes, in order to measure the percentage of prevalence through its respective epidemiological formula. Likewise, it is cross-sectional because it collected data in a single time: November 2022 – October 2023. Results: 46.7% experienced mild depression, 41.7% moderate depression and 11.6% severe depression. 55% of those interviewed were male and 45% female. The actual prevalence of depression is 100%. Likewise, the psychosocial risk factors identified were: the absence of recreational activities and social support networks, the economy, health services and family disintegration. Finally, it is necessary to design and implement socio-health intervention projects in the locality and with a socio-cultural perspective that impacts this age group, the family and from an intergenerational perspective, with the promotion of mental health being a priority goal in their execution.

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