
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children be screened for autism at their 18- and 24-month well-child visit. For children who screen positive for autism, it is unknown whether this usually represents the first time a developmental concern has been raised or if other developmental concerns typically precede a positive autism screen. Such knowledge could help guide providers in how to appropriately convey feedback regarding autism screening. This study found that, for close to 80% of children with a positive autism screen, caregivers or providers had a prior autism, language, motor, or other developmental concern documented in the electronic health record. Many also had other prior concerns frequently linked to autism, such as sleep and gastrointestinal problems, and received physical or speech therapy. On average, prior to screening children who received a positive Modified-Checklist for Autism in Toddlers had two documented concerns by at 1 year of age and three concerns by 2 years of age. These findings imply that screening for autism as a part of routine pediatric care likely takes place in the context of larger conversations regarding existing developmental concerns, allowing for a less stigmatizing discussion of autism. Framing the presence of prior concerns in the setting of a positive screen in this context may create a reaffirming space for existing caregiver concerns and a lessened emotional burden on caregivers.

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