
Goldfish (C. auratus) at Maju Mapan Farm is one of the leading ornamental fish commodities with a high mortality rate due to disease. For the reason, aim of this research is to know about type, and prevalence and intensity of ectoparasites in goldfish (C. auratus) at Maju Mapan Farm. The method in this research was random sampling for fish sampling 30 fish/pond. Type of parasites, parasites prevalence, parasites intensity were analyzed descriptively and describe of picture, tables, or graph. The result of this observation and identification showed that ectoparasites infected by goldfish at Maju Mapan Farm consisted of 3 type, Trichodina sp., Dactylogyrus sp., and Gyrodactylus sp. The type of ectoparasites that dominated both were Trichodina sp. (96,11%), Dactylogyrus sp. (3,61%) and Gyrodactylus sp. (0,28%). Prevalence of ectoparasites were Trichodina sp. (83,33%), Dactylogyrus sp.(43,33%), Gyrodactylus sp. (6,67%). Intensity of ectoparasites were Trichodina sp. (129 ind/fish), Dactylogyrus sp. (9 ind/fish), Gyrodactylus sp. (4 ind/fish). Trichodina sp. and Gyrodactylus sp.were commonly founded in mucus, while Dactylogyrus sp. only infected goldfish in gill organ. Prevalence dan intensity of ectoparasites were found in goldfish at Maju Mapan Farm had medium stage of infection. Measurement of water quality temperature, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen were showed not optimal result, and ammonia showed above threshold result. The result of measuring water quality parameters were not optimal caused ectoparasites to infect and multiply rapidly in goldfish at Maju Mapan Farm

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