
To systematically review published reports on MSD in Pakistani men. Medline and Pakmedinet were searched for original articles published between 2000 and 2021 by using the search terms “male sexual dysfunction”, “erectile dysfunction ”, “orgasmic dysfunction”, “ejaculatory dysfunction’, “sexual desire disorder”, “hypogonadism” and “sexual satisfaction in Pakistani men. Quality evaluation and data extraction were done by two authors (BA and MI). Studies that reported the effect of different drugs and medical interventions for sexual health under controlled conditions were excluded. Information related to the sampling duration, sampling method, sample size, methods of diagnosis, cutoff values, the prevalence of different sexual dysfunctions and associated factors were extracted. All discrepancies were resolved by discussion. A total of 47 studies was identified of which 21 studies were finally included in the qualitative study. The full articles were not available for 7 studies as they were published before the availability of the online version of the respective journal. All the studies included in the present review had variable sample sizes (n=30 to 1252). Sampling methods included questionnaires, clinical interviews, medical chart reviews and laboratory investigations. The studies reported a wide range of prevalence of overall ED (5.6%- 88.7%), ejaculatory dysfunction (14-46%), orgasmic dysfunction (08%-14%) sexual desire disorders (06% - 55%) and sexual dissatisfaction (35.5%). The prevalence of mild ED (6.8% - 56%), mild to moderate ED (9.4% - 37.8%), moderate ED (18% - 53.3%) and severe ED (15% - 66%). Prevalence of premature and retrograde ejaculation was 7% - 20% and 15.0%, respectively. The prevalence of MSD was positively associated with diabetes, advanced age, increasing BMI, the severity of liver cirrhosis, low testosterone, cardiovascular disorders and use of antipsychotic drugs. A considerably variable number of men had an MSD due to different factors. The studies on Pakistani men were limited in number and magnitude. None

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