
Among the main reasons for the retention of the membranes, weakening of the contractile function of the uterus, as well as fusion of caruncles with cotyledons as a result of inflammatory processes arising in them. At the same time, hemodynamic disorders and hypotonia of the uterus, according, noticeably prevail over the rest. The reason for the retention of the membranes, should be considered the blood circulation in the maternal part of the placenta, due to the high concentration of unbound heparin in it and the low concentration of ascorbic acid. Hyperkinesia, allocated by a number of authors animals, in all likelihood, does not play such a big role. Purpose. To study the prevalence and etiological factors responsible for the retention of membranes in cows. Materials and methods. For the period from 2015 to 2021, in the herds of cows belonging to the Krasnodarskoe EF and the Kuban EF and were under supervision, 194 cases of pathogenic process due to the retention of membranes in cows. The number of dairy cows in the herd in different years ranged from 795 to 845, and averaged 830 heads. Of these, in 2015, the retention of membranes was registered in 22 cows (2.65%), in 2016 in 19 (2.29%), in 2017 in 32 (3.86%), in 2018 in 35 (4 , 2%), in 2019 for 29 (3.5%), in 2020 for 26 (3.02%) and in 2021 for 31 cows (3.73%). The research results were subjected to mathematical processing using standard statistical analysis programs for the IBM PC. The reliability of the results was determined by the parametric Student’s test. Results. The results of processing the obtained data indicate that from the second half of April to August, the rate of retention of membranes in cows, in relation to the average annual, increases markedly and reaches 12.35% of all calving cows. Meanwhile, many studies carried out in the conditions of farms and complexes indicate that in the warm season, the pathology of childbirth associated with the retention of the membranes is significantly reduced. In this regard, we made an attempt to analyze the conditions of keeping, feeding and insemination of cows prior to the development of this pathology in animals in training and experimental farms. Conclusion. Analyzing the etiological factors that determine the retention of the membranes in cows of educational and experimental farms, it can be concluded that the development of this pathology of the birth period in cows is in close connection with the state of the fodder base in farms and with the presence of helminth infestation in animals. A regularity was revealed between the presence of traumatic foreign objects in the cows’ net, causing traumatic reticulitis, and the subsequent occurrence of chronic placentitis in them, leading to the retention of the membranes.

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