
Back ground: Childhood obesity is a common concern to all developed and developing countries. Most ofthe children who are obese continue to be obese in adulthood. With the increasing rates of non communicabledisease striking the general population one of the most common culprits who out stand as a contributingfactor is obesity.Methods: A review of literature on prevalence of childhood obesity in India from 2015 January to 2019December was done using different database strategies such as Google scholar and Pub med.Results: The study findings show in summary the prevalence of obesity in different parts of country.However studies are heterogeneous and hence pooled data was not obtained. Further almost all studiesidentified were school based and age group kept varying in between 5-19 years.Conclusions: The prevalence of overweight and obesity showed an increasing trend in India in comparisonto data collected before 2010 and after 2010.

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