
Much of Earth’s recent geologic history is dominated by periods of extensive glaciation, with relatively low global mean temperatures and correspondingly low atmospheric CO2 concen‐ trations [1]. The current interglacial period stands out as an anomaly because the atmospheric CO2 concentration has risen sharply above the range of approximately 180-280 parts per million by volume that has defined the past 420,000 years to reach levels that are nearly 40% higher than the biosphere has experienced over this time frame [2]. This rapid increase in CO2 concentration is primarily due to the release of ancient fixed atmospheric CO2 into the modern atmosphere through the combustion of fossil fuel resources over the past 200 years. Since it is clear from ice core records that atmospheric CO2 concentration has a strong positive correlation to global temperature, it is expected that changes to global climate are forthcoming [3]. There are substantial uncertainties regarding the ability of terrestrial and oceanic carbon sinks to absorb this anthropogenic CO2 on time scales that are relevant to human society [2], so the continued release of ancient CO2 into the modern atmosphere at current rates carries with it an important risk of inducing climate changes of unknown amplitude along with a host of ancillary changes that are difficult to predict with certainty. This has led to the search for alternatives to fossil fuels to meet a rising global energy demand, and one such option is the use of extant organic matter to produce energy. This resource contains carbon that was fixed from the modern atmosphere, which means it does not result in a net increase in atmospheric CO2 upon combustion.

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