
In this paper, the application of Iron(III) chloride and hydrogen peroxide oxidation processes for stabilized landfill leachate treatment was investigated. The leachate came from a municipal sanitary landfill and the average values of its main parameters were: pH 8,03; COD 605 gO2/m 3; BOD 65 gO2/m 3; NH4 + 92 gN/m3; conductivity 6,47 mS/cm; UV254 absorbance 0,300 and turbidity 1,6 NTU. It is demonstrated that the application of Iron(III) chloride and hydrogen peroxide can effectively remove leachate pollutants such as color, COD and UV254 absorbance. A combination process, accomplished at different weight ratios of reagents H2O2/ Fe was 1,7 to 32. The best conditions for process were found at a ratio Fe/COD equal to 0,9 and H2O2/Fe equal to 4,2. Leachates were significantly oxidized under these conditions in terms of COD removal 72%, color removal 93% and UV254 absorbance removal 82,2%.

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