
We have carried out a numerical study of the system of hydrodynamic equations including director reorientation, fluid flow, and temperature redistribution across a hybrid-oriented liquid crystal cell (HOLCC), where the nematic sample is confined by two parallel horizontal surfaces, a temperature gradient is applied and directed normal to the boundaries, and the temperature on the lower cooler boundary is reduced towards T(NA). Calculations show that the temperature gradient causes the investigated system to settle down to a stationary flow regime in the horizontal direction. Presmectic anomalies in the vicinity of the lower boundary have been investigated as well, taking into account the fluctuations of the local smectic order parameter above T(NA). It has been shown that these fluctuations influence both magnitude and direction of the hydrodynamic flow, produced by the temperature gradient. We have also investigated the role of hydrodynamic flow in the resulting relaxation processes, for a number of dynamic regimes in a HOLCC containing 4-cyano-4'-octylbiphenyl.

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