
Unmada (a broad clinical entity which includes various psychiatric problems) is a major psychiatric condition described in Ayurvedic classics, and it is characterized by deranged mental functions. Unmaada is classified into two groups, doshajaunmaada (occurs due to vitiation of humors inside the body) and bhutonmaada or grahonmaada (not related to vitiation of humors and not caused by the factors inside the body). Bhootonmada is caused by the affliction of evil spirits or supernatural powers or extraterrestrial forces. Preta grahonmada (PG) is one among 18 types (deva, asura, rushi, guru, vruddha, siddha, pitru, gandharva, yaksha, rakshasa, sarpa, brahma rakshasa, pishacha, kushmanda, nishada, preta, maukirana, and vetala) of grahonmada. Till date, no studies have been conducted on PG, and the present study aims at better understanding of PG along with its clinical utility. PG is characterized by Pretakriti, cheshta, and gandha (appearance, behavior/activities and emitting odor-like dead body), Trinacchedinam (purposeless activities), Bheetam (fear or anxiety), and Aahaaradveshinam (aversion to food). Catatonia is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by a broad range of motor, speech, and behavioral abnormalities. “Waxy flexibility,” “posturing,” and “catalepsy” are among the well-recognized motor abnormalities associated with catatonia. Catatonia is characterized by the features such as stupor, catalepsy, waxy flexibility, mutism, negativism, posturing, mannerisms, stereotypy, agitation, grimacing, echolalia, and echopraxia. Other common symptoms are motor resistance to simple commands, posturing, rigidity, automatic obedience, and repetitive movements. The features of PG have shown similarity with “Catatonia.” There is profound similarity found between PG and Catatonia.

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