
Arnold Rubin was a teacher, a mentor, and a friend who constantly encouraged his students to explore new ideas and meet new challenges. Even though my interest in southern Africa was far removed from his geographic area of expertise, he always brought a fresh approach and objective perspective to our discussions, from which I benefited greatly. His “discovery” of India and subsequent love of that continent was infectious. I hope to get there myself one day, and I will think of him every step of the way. Arnold's lingering illness compelled him to reflect on his life. He emerged from this self-examination with the conviction that he was essentially satisfied with the life he had led and that he had no wish to make drastic changes in the remaining time allotted him; in reaching this conclusion, he was truly blessed. During the early years of our association Arnold struggled with inner conflicts, but in his later years he appeared to be at peace with himself and his world. He handled his illness and impendin...

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