
Abstract The closed-circuit icing wind tunnel with pressure control serves for experiments on the growth and melting of ice particles, such as graupel and hailstones, and the observation of shedding of rain-sized drops by growing and melting hailstones. The pressure variation allows a better simulation of nature by duplicating all state parameters of the atmosphere and, consequently, also the correct relative speeds between test particle and air under all conditions. Thus, the hailstone growth according to different in-cloud trajectories can be simulated. The double-wall construction of the measuring and downstream calming sections provides excellent heat transfer at the outside wall and thus, minimal temperature gradients and radiative imbalances across the tunnel. This is of particular importance for the study of small particles requiring low speeds. The tunnel is 4.3 m high and has a 70 cm vertical measuring section with an inner cross section of 17.8 cm × 17.8 cm. The operational pressure range is bet...

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