
The overpressure variation in the Cenozoic–Jurassic succession in the northern part of the Danish Central Graben may broadly be divided into three major compartments. An upper hydrostatically pressured unit comprises the post-mid Miocene–recent succession down to c . 1200 m depth in the northern and c . 700 m in the southern parts of the Danish Central Graben. The second compartment comprises the mid-Miocene smectite-rich clays down to and including the upper Cretaceous chalk. There the Paleogene–Lower Miocene succession provides the seal. The third compartment constitutes the Jurassic succession with pressure above hydrostatic that may exceed twice that seen at the upper Chalk level. Pressure levels can be estimated using the Eaton approach for the second compartment that are in agreement with pressure data. Modelling of the transient pressure development in the Cretaceous–mid-Miocene succession broadly complies with the Eaton estimates and shows that the main overpressure build-up has occurred within the last 10 myr. The overpressure in this succession may be mapped using methods that exploit correlations between fluid pressure and the degree of consolidation, while that in the Jurassic cannot. However, the lateral variation in the Upper Jurassic overpressure correlates broadly with the maturity of the Upper Jurassic source rock, allowing the pressure variation to be mapped. Thematic collection: This article is part of the Geopressure collection available at: https://www.lyellcollection.org/cc/geopressure

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