
A full-profile refinement of the layered antiferromagnetic ${\mathrm{FeI}}_{2}$ crystallographic structures at pressures up to 70 GPa were performed combined with ab initio calculations to particularly elucidate the structural aspects of the recently observed pressure-induced quenching of the orbital term of the ${\mathrm{Fe}}^{2+}$ moment and of the Mott transition. Synchrotron powder XRD diffraction studies have shown that at $\ensuremath{\sim}17\mathrm{GPa}$ a substantial alteration of the lattice parameters takes place which is attributed to the quenching of the orbital term. Starting at $P\ensuremath{\sim}20\mathrm{GPa}$ and completed at $\ensuremath{\sim}35\mathrm{GPa},$ a sluggish structural phase transition takes place which can be attributed to the onset of a Mott transition as has been previously observed by resistance and MS studies. In agreement with ab initio calculations, the doubling of lattice parameters and the formation of a new Fe sublattice replacing the original ${\mathrm{CdI}}_{2}\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{t}\mathrm{y}\mathrm{p}\mathrm{e}$ structure, can explain this structural transition. The latter alterations in the Fe sublattice may indicate a trend of the Fe sites to disorder in the new high pressure phase. This first-order phase transition is characterized by a significant change of the unit cell parameters, a reduction in volume, and a change of the Fe-I distances. The substantial reduction of the Fe-I distances with minimal changes in the Fe-Fe bond lengths at the transition, suggests a charge-transfer-type gap closure mechanism involving the $\mathrm{I}p\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{Fe}d$ bands. At $\mathrm{P}>40\mathrm{GPa}$ a overturn of the structural transition is observed resulting in the return of the original, ${\mathrm{CdI}}_{2}\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{t}\mathrm{y}\mathrm{p}\mathrm{e}$ structure.

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