
Summary and Conclusions Significant outflow tract obstruction was notseen byleft ventricular cineangiocardiography in seven patients with hypertrophic subaorticstenosis.Catheter withdrawals through the leftventricle, recorded cinefluorographically, lo-calized the high pressure areas to portions ofthe left ventricle which emptied completely in early systole. Sustained systolic contractionin empty portions of the left ventricle pro-vides an explanation for the pressure gradi-entsinthesepatients.Isoproterenol infusions increased the rate and degree of left ventricular emptying, ob-literating portions of the cavity earlier andincreasingthepressure gradient.Themechanismof gradient production with- out obstruction was similar to the phenome-non observed in dogs receiving isoproterenol infusions. The cardiac muscle in these patients is ab-normally thick and the left ventricle emptiesmorerapidly than normal; therefore a hyper- trophic hyperkinetic cardiomyopathy is present.The nonobstructive

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