
The single crystal elastic constants of nonmetamict zircons have been measured as a function of pressure to 12 kb at room temperature and also as a function of temperature between 25 and 300° C at atmospheric pressure. The pressure derivatives of the elastic constants are: C 11=10.78, C 33=5.88, C 44=0.99, C 66=−0.31, C 12=3.24, C 13=6.20. The anomalous negative behaviour of C 66 versus pressure could be associated with a high pressure phase transition. The pressure and temperature derivatives of the isotropic elastic wave velocities and elastic moduli for nonmetamict zircon are calculated from the present single crystal data by the Voigt, Ruess, and Hill approximations and compared with the values of some other oxides and silicates. The pressure derivative of the isotropic adiabatic bulk modulus is relatively high (dK S/dP=6.50), and the pressure derivative of the shear modulus is relatively low, (dG/dP=0.78), compared to the corresponding values for some other oxides and silicates. The Debye temperature, ϑD, and the high temperature limit of the Gruneisen parameter, γHt, calculated from the elastic constants and their pressure derivatives, agrees well with the Debye temperature and the thermal Gruneisen parameter, γth, calculated from the thermal expansion, heat capacity, and compressibility data.

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