
One of the exhilarating aspects of the presidency is to be forced to come out of one's usual milieu and contemplate and admire the diversity of interests and competencies that are included in our membership and in our sections. How amazing that we can find common ground and a sense of community in such diverse approaches as economics and genomics, health promotion and utilization of medicines, epidemiology and migrant health, infectious diseases and social security, to name but a few of our sections. This diversity is our wealth, provided we can rally around a unity of purpose and cultivate a true appreciation for that diversity. Across the warp of our professional diversity is also the woof of our national diversity. From all corners of the European continent and even into Central Asia. To foster an appreciation for the diversity, I would like to invite each of us to browse over the map of Europe on our website (also an occasion for our member associations to update their data) and also to make a point of getting to know a colleague from a different section or different nationality during the upcoming Helsinki conference. By knitting our hearts together in this way, we will foster our unity and better appreciate our diversity. I hope to see many of you there in Helsinki. # News from EUPHA office {#article-title-2} It has been 10 years now, since I started my job at EUPHA. In the beginning, EUPHA office was located officially in Utrecht, but practically both in The Hague (secretary) and in Bern (manager). My job started as a 10 hour-week job, next to my ‘normal’ activities. The organization of the EUPHA conferences was smoothly done by the Netherlands Institute of Health Services Research (NIVEL). Activities of EUPHA office were limited to Governing Council and Executive Council preparation and the …

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