
The South Asia earthquake and tsunamis in December 2004 have shown the world the importance of international collaboration in the field of public health. In a globalising world, all countries seem to be involved, even when the catastrophe hits at the other side of the planet. The tsunamis caused the death of 300.000 persons and millions of injured. Survivors also have to deal with the outbreaks of diseases. Diarrhoeal diseases and malaria are among the main communicable disease threats for populations living in tsunami affected areas. Activities for prevention, preparedness and control of epidemic diarrhoeal diseases including cholera and typhoid fever therefore are among the public health issues which have to be given priority in the near future.1 In late December, EUPHA and the Norwegian Society of Public Health sent the first contributions to emergency relief organisations in areas of South Asia affected by the tsunamis. In January 2005 we sent money to Darfur in West Sudan as well. These contributions were financed by the prize reduction obtained from the company responsible for the food and service at the conference dinner Friday 8th October at the Annual EUPHA meeting in Oslo. I would like to encourage other public health associations in Europe and the rest of the world to give their support as well. The tsunamis have shown us again that the health and safety of the population are of great importance to achieve a sustainable development. The afflicted areas not only have to deal with the human side, but also with rebuilding the environment. In addition, the tsunamis will cause a large loss of income from tourism, fishing and all related activities.2 The tsunamis have given us an important lesson for the future. Safety promotion and injury prevention need to be on the public health agenda, …

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