
This article contains an analysis of vlogs uploaded by President Joko Widodo, containing the #BaliAman campaign. Through Vlog, President Joko Widodo tried to bring back public’s confidence about Bali's security level after the eruption of Mount Agung. In addition to natural disasters, Bali was also hit by successive issues, such as hoaxes in social media, which eventually led to the declining number of foreign tourists on the island of Bali. Vlog Joko Widodo's analysis with tagline #BaliAman, we are using Roland Barthes semiotics methodology. This methodology is used to review the outermost layer to the deepest in a visual, using denotation, connotation, and myth. The results show that in the context of Bali Island disaster, President Joko Widodo represents his image as a country leader who is capable providing a sense of security to the community while presenting equality between the president and his people.

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