
2022 has been declared the year of cultural heritage in Russia. This is an important announcement for the Krasnoyarsk Territory and for Russia as a whole, as many cultural heritage sites require urgent attention. Also, 2022 is the year of the centenary of Alexander Zinoviev, a logician and (in the late period of his life) a brilliant anti-globalist publicist. Globalization presupposes a certain unification of the world heritage, bringing the Russian heritage under the global denominator. Such a unique phenomenon as socialism does not fit into the world heritage, the manifestations of which include almost 60 % of objects. Included in the security register of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.Having lived 20 years under capitalism, Zinoviev experienced a belated insight that the socialist order (already defeated by that time) was an order of magnitude (that is, ten times) more moral than Western democracy (and whether there is democracy there). Zinoviev wrote: "Globalization is a new world war", understanding it as a cunning immoral technology, an absolute evil.According to M. McLuhan, communication technologies have made the whole world a "global theater". The adherents of globalism, apart from computer scientists, who are its main beneficiaries, are concentrated in the sphere of politics and economics (its concentrated expression). By changing the nature of work, information technology has imperceptibly changed the way its results are appropriated. With them, morality and the culture that arises on its basis (including art) imperceptibly change.The problems of preserving the Soviet historical and cultural heritage in the article offered to the reader are covered from the standpoint of value dualism. Both the arguments of the supporters of conservation and the arguments of its opponents are given.

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