
The research centers around ST25, a recently acclaimed rice variety lauded as Vietnam’s premier offering. However, its ability to substantiate its origin is impeded by the rampant proliferation of counterfeit derivatives within the market. A distinctive methodology is posited herein, intertwining the attributes of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) analyses, augmented using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The primary objective is to meticulously ascertain the unadulterated geographic provenance of the ST25 rice cultivar. The findings unequivocally underscore the emergence of a conspicuous taxonomy within the ST25 rice samples sourced from Soc Trang, underpinned by the utilization of both FTIR and ICP-MS datasets. Remarkably, the discernment of eight elemental constituents (27Al, 59Co, 44Ca, 57Fe, 60Ni, 63Cu, 93Nb, and 98Mo) has been adjudicated as pivotal in ascribing geospatial classification. The ramifications of this proposed modality encompass not only the authentication of the subject rice variety but also extend to the validation of similar grain types. Functioning as a potent deterrent against the omnipresent specter of food counterfeiting within the market milieu, this methodology occupies a pivotal niche.

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