
The process of teacher preparation and training is core to producing good and quality teachers in the classroom. This process is complex and demanding because teachers are agents of change that help shape the skills of future generation. The world is changing so also is the education system and studies have established the importance of using new and digital technologies in the teacher training process. However, the training of teachers, especially pre-service teachers in Nigeria to utilize these tools remain scarce. This study, therefore, examined the ease of use and intention to use new and digital technologies such as Interactive Whiteboard, Camstasia, Mindmapping tools and Microsoft suites in an Instructional Technology course in the Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study adopted an expo facto research design and purposive sampling technique was used to select 273 teacher trainees in five departments (Adult Education, Teacher Education, Guidance and Counseling, Special and Kinetics and Health Education). Three research questions were raised and answered in the study. The findings revealed that ease of use is 83%, which means that the teacher trainees find these technologies easy to use for the teaching and learning process. The result also indicated that the intention to use is 81.7%, which means that the teacher trainees intend to use these technologies in their future classroom. The teacher trainees are motivated to use these technologies, they feel it can enrich their teaching if adequate and proper training is given to them. They find these technologies exciting and flexible to design instructional activities.

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