
The purpose of the present study is to explore the influence of adopting the perspective of English as a global language (EGL) on the development of TEE abilities among pre-service elementary teachers. The written questionnaire responses of eighty two pre-service elementary teachers were qualitatively analyzed for the impacts of new framework perspectives on implementing TEE microteaching. The study results reveal positive influences on the affective domain and TEE skill development. Liberated from the pressure of having to be near-native or native-like, pre-service teachers felt confident and free of negative evaluations from peers, and as a result, they were able to perform better in their microteaching lessons. They also found it easier to adjust their English to a level comprehensible to elementary students and tended to prioritize the design and delivery of English classes over the teachers’ spoken English. In addition, several pre-service teachers noted the importance of incorporating students’ lives into the lesson materials. Based on these findings, the study recommends that the EGL perspective is utilized in pre-service teacher TEE courses.

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