
We analyzed 87Sr/86Sr ratios in foraminifera, pore fluids, and fish teeth for samples ranging in age from Eocene to Pleistocene from four Ocean Drilling Program sites distributed around the globe: Site 1090 in the Cape Basin of the Southern Ocean, Site 757 on the Ninetyeast Ridge in the Indian Ocean, Site 807 on the Ontong-Java Plateau in the western equatorial Pacific, and Site 689 on the Maud Rise in the Southern Ocean. Sr isotopic ratios for dated foraminifera consistently plot on the global seawater Sr isotope curve. For Sites 1090, 757, and 807 Sr isotopic values of the pore fluids are generally less radiogenic than contemporaneous seawater values, as are values for fossil fish teeth. In contrast, pore fluid 87Sr/86Sr values at Site 689 are more radiogenic than contemporaneous seawater, and the corresponding fish teeth also record more radiogenic values. Thus, Sr isotopic values preserved in fossil fish teeth are consistently altered in the direction of the pore fluid values; furthermore, there is a correlation between the magnitude of the offset between the pore fluids and the seawater curve, and the associated offset between the fish teeth and the seawater curve. These data suggest that the hydroxyfluorapatite of the fossil fish teeth continues to recrystallize and exchange Sr with its surroundings during burial and diagenesis. Therefore, Sr chemostratigraphy can be used to determine rough ages for fossil fish teeth in these cores, but cannot be used to fine-tune age models. In contrast to the Sr isotopic system, our Nd concentration data, combined with published isotopic and rare earth element data, suggest that fish teeth acquire Nd during early diagenesis while they are still in direct contact with seawater. The concentrations of Nd acquired at this stage are extremely high relative to the concentrations in surrounding pore fluids. As a result, Nd isotopes are not altered during burial and later diagenesis. Therefore, fossil fish teeth from a variety of marine environments preserve a reliable and robust record of deep seawater Nd isotopic compositions from the time of deposition.

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