
The chlorine concentration variation in Baghdad water networks was studied. Thechlorine data were collected from Mayoralty of Baghdad and Ministry of Environment(MOE) for the networks for both sides of the city Karkh and Rasafa for (2008-2009). Thestudy of these data indicates that there are no systematic testing program .Classified GISmaps showed that the areas far from the treatment plants have almost always lowchlorine concentration .This indicates that the problem of the low chlorine concentrationin the far areas is due to cracks of pipe along the conveyance path ,as expected. The area'smost frequently have low concentration are Al-sadir,Al-Kadhimya, and Al-Amiria . Itwas found also that the chlorine concentrations were lowest in summer months than thosein winter months.The Amiria area district (636) was selected as a case study to test theability of using the quantitative- qualitative model in the EPANET software, to find therequired onsite chlorine injection point number, locations and dose, so as to raise thechlorine concentration to the acceptable limits in the other nodes of the network. Thebulk decay coefficient was found to be (-2.212)1/day and the wall coefficients werefound to be between (-0.001)to(-0.9)1/day The main conclusion of this study is that theonsite injection can improve the chlorine concentration in Baghdad water supplynetworks. The EPANET model can be used effectively to obtain the required injectionprogram for this purpose.

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