
Sedimentological studies of a 30 m thick coastal cliff section within the Middle Proterozoic Eriksfjord Formation in western South Greenland reveals three distinct types of fluvial sand sheet deposits that reflect perennial streams (Type I), semi-perennial streams (Type II), and ephemeral flash floods (Type III). Perennial river sand sheets are characterised by co-sets of medium-scale trough cross-beds, interbedded with isolated medium- and large-scale, high-angle, tabular cross-beds. Indications of desiccation or subaerial exposure are absent. Semi-perennial fluvial sand sheets consist predominantly of low-angle cross-beds, interbedded with isolated sets of high-angle tabular cross-beds with common reactivation surfaces. Horizontal lamination and climbing ripple lamination form subordinate structures. Associated with the sand sheets are adhesion structures and 0.05–0.4 m thick sets of wind ripple-lamination indicating periods of subaerial exposure and aeolian reworking. High-energy ephemeral flash flood sand sheets consist almost exclusively of planar-parallel lamination and climbing ripple lamination with some isolated sets of low-angle cross-bedding. Scouring and internal truncation surfaces are common. The three types of sand sheets are considered to reflect deposition under changing climatic conditions, varying from humid to arid or semi-arid. Aeolian deposits are preserved within the sand sheets showing characteristics of dominantly perennial flow punctuated by shorter periods of desiccation (Type II), while sand sheets showing features typical of arid and or semi-arid flow conditions (Type III) contain no preserved aeolian deposits. This selective preservation is interpreted to be a result of the combined effect of groundwater table level and fluvial style which in turn are inferred to have been controlled by the climatic regime. The deposits show that during pre-vegetational times the preservation of aeolian deposits, under certain conditions, may be more optimal in fluvial systems formed in a humid climate than in fluvial systems formed under semi-arid or arid circumstances. The occurrence of aeolian deposits within a Precambrian succession of fluvial deposits therefore, need not be an indication of the most arid environmental conditions.

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