
The liver is a central organ in the metabolization of nutrition, endogenous and exogenous substances, and xenobiotic drugs. The emerging organ-on-chip technology has paved the way to model essential liver functions as well as certain aspects of liver disease in vitro in liver-on-chip models. However, a broader use of this technology in biomedical research is limited by a lack of protocols that enable the short-term preservation of preassembled liver-on-chip models for stocking or delivery to researchers outside the bioengineering community. For the first time, this study tested the ability of hypothermic storage of liver-on-chip models to preserve cell viability, tissue morphology, metabolism and biotransformation activity. In a systematic study with different preservation solutions, liver-on-chip function can be preserved for up to 2 d using a derivative of the tissue preservation solution TiProtec, containing high chloride ion concentrations and the iron chelators LK614 and deferoxamine, supplemented with polyethylene glycol (PEG). Hypothermic storage in this solution represents a promising method to preserve liver-on-chip function for at least 2 d and allows an easier access to liver-on-chip technology and its versatile and flexible use in biomedical research.

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