
: This study aims to determine the social benefits, the total economic value of Subak andpreservation models of Subak in terms of the environment economics aspect. The research was conducted inthree Subaks: Subak Sangeh in Badung, Subak Bungan Kapal in Tabanan and Subak Padang Tegal inGianyar. The social benefits value of Subak was determined by calculating the values of direct use, indirectuse value and the value of alternative uses (option value), while the Total Economic Value was determinedby the sum of use value and non-use value. The determination of Subak preservation model utilizedinvestment eligibility criteria, namely Net Present Value (NPV) and Net Benefit Ratio (B/C). The findingssuggest that, regarding to the environmental economics aspect, the Subak system is feasible and worthwhileto be preserved, as shown by social benefits NPV greater than zero and social benefits Net B/C greater thanone. Based on these findings, Subaks in Bali should be managed properly to sustain their environmentalfunctions and proper environmental economic assessment should be conducted as a reference for the effortsto avoid the conversion of Subak farmlands into other functions.

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