
H.R.H. THE DUKE or CONNAUGHT, president of the Royal Society of Arts, presented the Society's Albert Medal for 1935 to Sir Robert Hadfield on July 8 “for his Researches in Metallurgy and his Services to the Steel Industry”. In making the presentation the Duke of Connaught said: “It gives me very particular pleasure on this occasion to present the Albert Medal of the Royal Society of Arts, a very high honour, which was founded in memory of my father, to one who has been a personal friend and a charming next door neighbour of mine in the south of France for many years. Your labours in the application of scientific research to the great steel industry have contributed greatly to its progress. As far back as 1882, by the discovery of manganese steel, you opened a new chapter in the history of metallurgy, and this remarkable alloy, which has found many uses in engineering and in mining, has also stimulated research into the causes of its unique hardness, and into the structure of the alloys of iron. As an industrialist, you have given great encouragement to scientific research in metallurgy by your example, and you have consistently upheld the view that the future of industry in this country is closely bound up with the attention which it gives to research”. Sir Robert Hadfield, in accepting the Medal, expressed his gratification at the honour conferred on him by the Society and reaffirmed his faith in the value of research. Speaking in particular of metallurgy, he referred to the fact that among the previous recipients of the Medal were Bessemer and Siemens. For himself, he said that during his life he had done his utmost along with many others “to raise metallurgy from an empirical art to a true and important branch of modern science. I venture to add without fear of contradiction that the study and practice of metallurgy is no longer empirical but is now based on scientific and orderly lines and has become just as much a part of science as engineering, chemistry and physics”.

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