
This work raises the study of creativity and creative processes as a relevant field for the sociological Social Psychology. In this way, the main goal of this work is to consider the creativity and the creative process as social processes. Considering therefore the need to analyse them in the social-cultural-historical context in which they occur, thus opening a new scenario to think about creativity and the creative process in the present time. In this new scenario, the dominant forms of knowledge circulation based on an individualizing "ontology of creative works" are no longer unique. And their pertinence and legitimacy can be reraised in the present time. In this way, this work also argues that different forms of knowledge circulation mean different socio-political implications. Thus, to specify and to consider them as a choice in terms of knowledge production, allows us to problematize them from the standpoint of creator/producer and from the creative process' standpoint.


  • En el presente trabajo de investigación, se plantea el This work raises the study of creativity and abordaje de la creatividad y de los procesos creativos creative processes as a relevant field for the como un ámbito de estudio relevante para la Psicología sociological Social Psychology

  • Un nuevo escenario desde el que pensar la cuestión de la creatividad y de los analyse them in the social-cultural-historical context in which they occur, opening a new scenario to think about creativity and the creative process in the present time

  • Però, potser seria més pertinent parlar de final d’etapa, aquell punt en el que toca recuperar-se mentre es fa balanç del què s’ha fet i de les decisions que s’han anat prenent

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Amabile considera que la conducta creativa només pot ser completament explicada des d’un model que la consideri com a resultat d’una constel·lació particular de característiques personals, habilitats cognitives i contexts socials. D’acord amb aquest model, alguns dels temes més estudiats per la Psicologia Social han estat l’impacte sobre la creativitat de l’àmbit disciplinar en el que es desenvolupa l’individu, l’impacte de la motivació intrínseca i extrínseca, l’estudi de les característiques dels productes creatius com a informants de la creativitat o el desenvolupament de la creativitat grupal en contexts aplicats.

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